Since 1993, the Firm "Soyuz-01" is the main developer and manufacturer of graphite seals of thermally expanded graphite, such as spiral-wound gaskets (TIP) according to TU 38.314-25-8-91, graphite sealing rings (KGU) according to TU 38.314-25-3-91 and rings reinforced graphite sealing (KAGU) according to TU 38.314-25-6-91 for the compaction units of equipment of nuclear power plants, heat and power, oil and gas-chemical production, shipbuilding industry and special equipment.
Within the framework of technical committees TK 155 and TK 259, the specialists of CJSC “Firm“ Soyuz-01 ”developed the national standard GOST R 52376" Spiral wound heat-resistant gaskets. Types. The main dimensions. "And together with TsKBA - organization standards - ST TsKBA-019" Pipeline valves. Thermally expanded graphite based seals. General technical requirements. "And ST TsKBA-SOYUZ-067" Pipeline fittings. spiral wound heat-resistant gaskets for housing-to-cover connections. Types, main dimensions and technical requirements. "
Sealing products manufactured by Soyuz-01 CJSC are highly reliable. Spiral-wound gaskets and graphite rings completely eliminate leakage of the “working” environment during the entire service life of the equipment and do not require any modifications to the seats for seals in existing equipment. Warranty period operation of seals - 4 years, service life - 12 years.
Our specialty will answer any question!