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Ду 25 мм

Pу 2,5 Мпа

Т 300 С°



The pulse safety valve is a control valve in a pulse-protective device, which is designed to protect against excess steam pressure in boiler units, pipelines, pressure vessels, and other systems (objects) of power system and petrochemical industry.

The control method is a two-way electromagnet, as well as a direct-acting valve (from a spring).

This type of valves is designed and recommended as an analogue of valves manufactured by Weir Valves Gt Controls France. Sarasin RSBD (Sarasin RSBD)






3d model


Technical details

Обозначение Технические требования Тип эл. привода Материал корпуса
ду рабочая среда давление, Мпа Температура, С
С.ИКПУ 25-Р-2,5-хх* 25 пар 2,5 300 --- Ст20/12Х1МФ
С.ИКПУ 25-2,5-хх* 25 пар 2,5 300 ЭМ 31.1-1000 Ст20/12Х1МФ

Overall dimensions and mounting dimensions

Обозначение Размеры, мм Масса, кг
L H H1 h L1 L2
С.ИКПУ 25-Р-2,5-хх* 320 780 506 112 172,5 135 63
С.ИКПУ 25-2,5-хх* 320 1168 666 112 172,5 135 90

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